Custom Writing Service-What other factors can we use to compare and contrast these characters across World Lit?

Custom Writing Service-What other factors can we use to compare and contrast these characters across World Lit?

Can we connect Shahrazád to characters like Achilles, Hector, Gilgamesh, Enkidu, et al through the idea of conflict?

What other factors can we use to compare and contrast these characters across World Lit?

These men want glory, recognition, idealization, be remembered in songs and celebrated–as great leaders, warriors, etc. They want others to fear them.

What makes Shahrazád different? She’s an intellectual warrior–they often use brute force while she is tactical, a thinker, a planner–she’s using her education, her wit, her tactics to amplify her manipulation of the king to get what she wants. She uses her position as a woman as a weapon–the King doesn’t respect or fear her at all.

She’s the most human–she isn’t physically strong, but she uses her place and her intellect to change that apparent weakness, her femininity, into an unexpected strength and powerful lever for change. But there is a sense of cunning with her and women in general in the text–her femininity is seen as weakness, but she turns it into her power–she mo

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