Custom Writing Service:  What is the difference between inequality and insecurity and how can these phenomena be explained theoretically?

Custom Writing Service:  What is the difference between inequality and insecurity and how can these phenomena be explained theoretically?

does “post-industrialism” mean and what are the main characteristics of “industrial” and “postindustrial” societies?

• Using the concepts of “industrial” and “postindustrial” societies: How has work changed in Canada over time?

Is “postindustrial” a proper description for Canadian society today?

What is the difference between inequality and insecurity and how can these phenomena be explained theoretically?

• How does inequality and insecurity affect different social groups? • Has work become more unequal and/or insecure in Canada? • What causes inequality in the labour market? In other words, what are the major explanations for inequality in the labour market and which are most persuasive?

• Finally, which government and employer policies appear to be the most effective in reducing work-related inequalities and insecurities?

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