Custom Writing Service- What agencies implemented the policy?

Custom Writing Service- What agencies implemented the policy?

Based on your role, choose which functions will receive a cut in spending. Attempt to cut spending by at least $150 billion. Keep track of which functions you cut and by which percentage you cut them. Note that each spending category has a “?” icon to provide you with more information if you need be sure to copy and paste the questions into your assessment.

1.     What programs did you choose to cut and why?

2.     What groups (students. Elderly, poor, veterans, etc.) will be impacted by these cuts?

3.     If you had the chance to raise taxes to restore the programs you cut, would you take that action? Why or why not?

4.     What is one spending category that you absolutely feel should not be touched? What is your justification?

5.     Overall, do you feel it is important to limit the federal deficit? Why or why not?

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