Custom Writing Service-The Link Between Population Growth And World Health

Custom Writing Service-The Link Between Population Growth And World Health

Estimate the predicted population size for the world in the year 2060. Be sure to justify your estimate as well as cite and explain the resources you used.

Identify a single disease that significantly increases in prevalence when the human population increases in size. Address the following based on this information:

Why is this issue likely to increase with an increasing population size?

Are there any countries in particular that will be affected by this issue more than others? What will cause this discrepancy?

How are food supply and nutrition impacted by the increasing population size? When considering nutrition, do you think some countries will be more susceptible than others? Explain and support your answer.

What are governmental agencies currently doing to prevent or mitigate concerns of inadequate food supply and nutrition because of population growth?

Based on your research, do you believe that these policies would change if the population growth increases dramatically by 2060?

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