Custom Writing Service: Terrorism

Define terrorism? What does new terrorism mean to you? In what ways have you seen terrorism change, and what do you think will be the direction of change in the future? Do you think terrorist attacks with weapons of mass destruction are more or less likely to be used in the future?

Unit I Article Review

• Briefly introduce and summarize the article.

• Identify the author’s main points.

• Who is the author’s intended audience?

• Identify the seminal events that shaped domestic terrorism legislation both before and after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

• What are the key factors leading to the growing danger of chemical and biological terrorism?

• Define terrorism and the concept of new terrorism.

• Discuss how the political, philosophical, and religious perspectives of the various actors have had an effect on this evolution and the opportunities and limitations for weapons of mass destruction terrorism globally.

• How does the article apply to this course? Does it support the information in your textbook?

• How could the author expand on the main points?

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