Custom Writing Service-Social Science

Custom Writing Service-Social Science


1. Describe what your topic is, phrasing it as a research question. Please note:

your research question should preferably be more general and open-ended than a hypothesis; (it is not a hypothesis, not yet);

the topic has to be sociology in nature;

Explain why you chose these variables for your project

Explain why you think there is a correlation or a relationship.


Identify variables (one DV, at least one IV) which you have found in the GSS dataset (use the search function at Make sure you set the year to be “2012” before you search, since you are required to use data from GSS 2012 for your project. If you have questions, refer to the screenshots attached at the bottom of page for a step-by-step tutorial. If your variable of interest is NOT in the 2012 data set, consider revising your topic to work with available data.

How many children have you ever had? Please count all that were born alive at any time (including any you had from a previous marriage).

identify the question related to this variable that was asked in the survey (in verbatim). For example, GSS survey question for variable “childs” is as follows (in verbatim):

identify variable names; for example, “childs” is a variable name. It stands for “Number of children.”



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