Custom Writing Service-Security Transport Professionals, Incorporated, (STP)

Custom Writing Service-Security Transport Professionals, Incorporated, (STP)

The description of that organization, Security Transport Professionals, Incorporated, (STP) is described in the instructions for Phase I that you have already completed.

1. This phase will involve performing a records inventory. The organization is far too large to undertake a records inventory for the entire company. You will need to make a determination of which program or division or functional area whether that be (a) the narcotic/drugs that you ship/store,

(b) the top secret materials that you ship/store, or

(c) the toxic or dangerous materials that you ship/store to include in its records inventory. Once you have made that determination, decide which of the managers/personnel previously identified that you will need to contact/interview and work with in order to complete the records inventory for the functional area that your group has selected. It will most likely include more than one of the personnel/departments listed above. As project manager you have decided to collect information using a two-step approach where you first send out survey questions and then once you have received the responses you will follow up by conducting interviews.

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