Custom Writing Service-rеflесtivе jоurnаl

Custom Writing Service-rеflесtivе jоurnаl

For this assignment you are required to demonstrate critical thinking and self-reflection, and demonstrate that you’ve understood 4 topics and given them some independent thought.

Reflections are your responses to the material and therefore references are not required. If however, you do need to refer to an idea that is not your own, it must be referenced. This is a reflective journal, so the entries will be an expression of your point of view on the topic. Each opinion must be supported by evidence – all points of view should be the result of considered thought, and your reflections need to explain that process. A reflective journal entry is almost like an argument with yourself, in which you explore how you are feeling and thinking. Be sure to relate your thoughts to the issues raised in the seminars. It’s an illustration of your critical thinking about the content. You may also refer to media reports to support or refute any controversial position or point of view.

Is the issue you’ve chosen to discuss from the lecture materials a human rights issue as framed by the United Nations?
What is controversial about the issue?
Does the UNs’ response to the particular issue sit well with you?
Is the issue of extreme importance to the affected population and/or globally, but has been largely over-looked by those in power?
Are the people most affected, that is, those whose human rights are violated, likely ever to be adequately catered for or serviced by the State?
Is there an ideology or philosophical position interfering with the problem’s resolution?
Might there be more appropriate response to the problem than a human rights response that you’d recommend?

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