Custom Writing Service-Psychology Midlife Crises

Custom Writing Service-Psychology Midlife Crises

“Life begins at forty?” Unfortunately the cultural messages we receive about midlife are often negative (an emphasis on the development of wrinkles and gray hair, for example) rather than positive (a time of advancement in one’s career, freedom from the responsibilities of caring for young children). Midlife is often a time of transition. People may change careers or end long-term marriages as they assess where they are in life and how they would like to spend the remainder of their lives,

Because these transitions are sometimes painful, the concept of the “midlife crisis” has been created and has become popular in American culture. However, there has also been some debate questioning whether the midlife crisis is a universal experience and, in fact, whether it even exists. In this assignment, you will review research on the concept of the midlife crisis and draw your own conclusions about its existence and prevalence in American culture. You will also discuss some ways that we can create a more positive image of midlife





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