Custom writing Service-Psychology

Custom writing Service-PsychologyYour hypothesis and topic determines what you choose to analyze. You could be interested in reaction time and age so you analyze the three tasks’ results by age.

You may be interested in gender differences or even gender by age differences.You could make up a new variable for how many drinks the participant had prior to doing the lab. You could see if there was a correlation between the number of drinks and the time they spent on the lab.

You may be interested in something else, like if the participant was an athlete or not. You can create a new variable in the Research Report data and put a 1 if the participant was an athlete and a 0 if not. Then you can analyze the data by that grouping.

For example: my research idea is about whether age correlates to reaction time. I am only going to use task 1. My hypothesis is that as people get older, their reaction time increases, they get slower. I will set up the data in two columns and run a Pearson correlation of time by age using SPSS. This is a very simple example – I expect your idea to be a little more interesting ! Your choice! Compose your response to this discussion with your name as the subject.

Describe your research idea and topic and what your hypothesis is. Also tell me how you plan (or think you might plan) to analyze the data. It’s OK if you are not sure about this – we will discuss it and I will give you some guidance if necessary.



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