Custom Writing Service- Planning and Implementation

Custom Writing Service- Planning and Implementation

Planning and Implementation


In Phase II of the Process Improvement Project you will be creating a project timeline to help you implement the proposed solution to the problem statement defined in Phase I. As a project leader, you will need to consider several things before you start the project. The project leader must preplan, plan, and kickoff the project.


Planning of the Project



1. Identify which methodologies and strategies you will implement to meet your goals. Provide rationale for why you did not select some of the other methodologies and strategies.


2. Which business functions will be impacted by your action plan? What tactics will you use to manage implementation across business functions? What can you do to enhance collaboration/cross-functionality to ensure the success of your plan?


3. Timeline: Create a timeline to implement the proposed improvement to the problem and identify the critical path components.


4. Communication plan: Using your completed quality tools analysis and stakeholder analysis, create a communication plan for disseminating your action plan to all of the stakeholders. Which strategies do you plan to utilize and why? Your plan should demonstrate how you plan to use formal and informal communication channels to implement the plan. In addition, explain how the communication plan addresses what you are hoping to achieve with your goal.

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