Custom Writing Service-Operations Management

Custom Writing Service-Operations Management

Now that you have identified a community need, found a program that addresses the need, and know the financial requirements of the program, you will search for grants to fund the program. Searching for appropriate grants is time consuming. You need to match the details of the program such as intended outcomes, location, target population, and funding needed with the grant requirements. As this is sometimes challenging to do, while you need to find all seven grants described below only two need to be appropriate to fund your program.

There are three parts to this assignment.

Part 1: Locate seven grants. The seven grants are listed below by type. For each grant, include in the assignment a summary of the grant and provide a URL or link to the RFP or instructions for the grant (not just a general list of grants). The seven grants are:

Government grants

Two federal grant opportunities with at least one related to your statement of needs

One state grant

One local (city, county, or school district) grant

Foundation sources

Two foundation grants- at least one should be appropriate to fund your project/program

Corporate source

One corporate grant

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