Custom Writing Service-Nursing Care for Spiritual Distress

Custom Writing Service-Nursing Care for Spiritual Distress

In the chapter titled “Spiritual Assessment” in your course textbook, there is a case study describing parents who have spiritual concerns related to their daughter’s health care. The nursing diagnosis of spiritual distress is made based on the assessment data. You are required to provide at least 1 short-term outcome and 3–4 nursing interventions that will aid in attaining the outcome.

Based on your own experience and from your readings in this course, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, address the following:

Read the case study in the chapter “Spiritual Assessment” in your course textbook, and based on your understanding, answer the following questions:

What are the factors causing spiritual distress for this family?

What are the short-term outcomes related to the diagnosis of spiritual distress in this case study?

What are the priority nursing interventions in this situation?

What are your thoughts, feelings, and/or concerns related to caring for this family including why you think this self-reflection may be important as you provide nursing care?

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