Custom Writing Service-Mental health аssеssmеnt

Custom Writing Service-Mental health аssеssmеnt

You and your partner have been called to Gloria, a 32 year old female who lives alone. A neighbour walking past her house noticed her unusual behaviour and became concerned, so called for help. When you arrive Gloria is in full view as her blinds are open. You can hear her yelling. Gloria is also agitated, pacing and muttering to herself. She is wringing her hands and appears to be ‘on guard’ and looks a bit frightened. You notice she is occasionally checking through the window and the door. You cannot be sure, but she appears to be arguing with someone that is not there. Outline your approach to this call. 

Gloria is becoming increasingly frightened and agitated. What can you and your partner do to de-escalate the situation. 

You and your partner are called to an intoxicated patient who has fallen and sustained injuries to his head and arm. When you arrive there are several intoxicated bystanders at the scene. The patient is extremely agitated and refusing to be helped. Outline what you would do and say. 

 You have been concerned about a colleague for some weeks now. She seems withdrawn, fatigued, disinterested and does not have a laugh like she used too. You feel it is time to talk to her and see if you can help. Outline your approach to your colleague, include when, how and what you would do/say. 

     What is peer support? What are the benefits? 

 What support is available for individuals with substance use disorder? 

   Select 2 mental illnesses and outline a treatment that is commonly used for each.     Undertake some research into how effective the treatments are. Include source

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