Custom Writing Service-Law Paper Assignment
2.) Multiple information systems are used to process, transmit,
store, and backup e-mail. Identify as many systems as possible
involved in each step. For each system identified, document the
person or position you would expect to be the information
systems owner.
1.) When you compose an e-mail, you have created an information
asset. Develop a three-level classification system for your email.
Consider the type of e-mails that you send and who
should be able to view, save, print, or forward your e-mail. For
each classification, decide how you will label your e-mails to
communicate the assigned classification
Required Length – 2 Pages Handwritten
3.) Sometimes information system owners have different
priorities than information asset owners. For example, your
Internet Service Provider by law has the right to view/open all
documents that are stored on or passed through its systems.
The ISP may choose to exercise this right by scanning for
viruses or checking for illegal content. Suppose you have sent
e-mails that would harm your organization if they were
disclosed or compromised. As the information asset owner,
what do you see as your options?