Custom Writing Service: Is there a way to reconcile the kinds of evil in the world and God as originally conceived?

Custom Writing Service: Is there a way to reconcile the kinds of evil in the world and God as originally conceived?

1.     We have been given several arguments for why we might believe that God exists. Which do you think is the strongest argument available to us? Why is it the strongest argument? What might be the best way for someone who disagrees with the argument to respond?

2.     The problem of evil is intended to show a conflict between our conception of God as all-good, all-knowing, and all-powerful and the existence of evil in the world. Which might be the best strategy to resolve this tension? Is there a way to reconcile the kinds of evil in the world and God as originally conceived? Should we ‘weaken’ our conception of God, and think of God as perhaps less powerful, or less knowledgeable, or ‘good’ in a different sense?

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