Custom Writing Service-Improving   Verbal Communication and Computer-Mediated Communication

Custom Writing Service-Improving   Verbal Communication and Computer-Mediated Communication

Improving   Verbal Communication and Computer-Mediated Communication

In Chapter 4 of your text, titled Verbal and Nonverbal Communication: Making Every Word and Gesture Matter, Bevan & Sole (2014) discuss the power of language and how verbal communication can affect interpersonal relationships. The authors also mention ways you can improve your verbal communication.

Prepare: As you prepare to write this discussion post, take a few moments to do the following:

Read the writing prompt below in its entirety. Notice that there are three tasks:

Discuss the importance of verbal skills in  communication.

Identify at least two strategies for improving your       verbal communication.

Explain how you can use these skills to improve your       computer-mediated communication (CMC).

Review the grading rubric and remember that 25% of your      grade is based on your application of course material (Content/Subject      Knowledge) and 25% is based on your ability to demonstrate you are      thinking critically and presenting original ideas.

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