Custom Writing Service-Human Services

Custom Writing Service-Human Services

In the first LASA assignment, you are required to identify and interview an administrator of a local nonprofit human services agency of your choice and write a 6- to 8-page report. In the final LASA, you are required to select a human services agency of your choice and conduct a SWOT analysis. Your final report should be approximately 10–12 pages in length.

To ensure that you have carefully reviewed and planned how you will approach these major requirements, your final assignment in Module 1 is to review the descriptions of these requirements below and create a time line for accomplishing each of them during this course. See the rubrics listed at the end of the LASA descriptions.

Carefully review the description of each of the critical projects, prepare a time line for completing all parts of them, and submit that time line to your instructor as described below.

Identify the activities you will perform to complete the specified tasks. Describe these activities and state when you will complete each of these activities.

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