Custom Writing Service-Humаn rеsоurсе mаnаgеmеnt

Custom Writing Service-humаn rеsоurсе mаnаgеmеnt

The project-based and problem-based assignment focuses on one of two Australian Public Service departments or authorities that have had a Capability Review undertaken by external consultants. This capability review needs to be viewed in light of the Australian Public Service Commission’s objectives for capability reviews, the views of the Commissioner for the Public Service in the State of the Service Reports and the case study organization’s reporting on their internal reform process in their annual reports. This assessment item has two parts. The first part is focused on students reviewing documents on their case study organization to understand the workforce challenges (internal and external) and to present a report demonstrating their understanding of the implications of contemporary challenges to workforce management in their case study organization.
In this report students use documents that are in the public domain (e.g. Annual Reports, a Capability Review Report, State of the Service Reports from the Australian Public Service Commission and sources like the Australian Human Resource Institute’s white paper People@Work2020 and other key documents) to identify key workforce management challenges facing their case study organization. The submission must be accompanied by a self-assessment using the relevant rubric.
The research report should contain a clearly designated Introduction Section that introduces the case study organization, outlines the types of information used in the report, explains the key issues identified in the report and defines any key terms and concepts used. The aim is to situate the reader in the report by introducing the line of argument about workforce challenges to be advanced in the report.
The research report should contain a Background Section that provides an overview of the case study organization including its mission, vision and values, its size and functions, its corporate strategies and an overview of its key workforce management challenges. Detailed information on these facets of the case study organization should be contained in a series of Attachments to the report. Other information to be used would include workforce profile information, key HR metrics and details of any significant changes to the organization that have workforce management implications (e.g. changes in structure, strategy, leadership, culture, resourcing levels).
The report must contain a Discussion Section that addresses four specific questions:
1. How did the Capability Review rate the case study organization in terms of the capability assessment model used?
2. What were the key HR practice areas that the Capability Review highlighted as needing improvement?
3. What are the key workforce management challenges identified by the case study organization in its annual report and the Capability Review Report and what progress on improvement has the case study organization reported?
4. What are the implications of generic workforce management challenges faced by the Australian Public Service as reported in recent State of the Service Reports or credible sources writing on the Australian public sector and what is the relevance to the case study organization?

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