Custom Writing Service-How often do you use your operating system’s multitasking capabilities

Custom Writing Service-How often do you use your operating system’s multitasking capabilities

There are two types of information stored in files: structured and unstructured. Structured

information refers to information, such as that in databases and records, and other data that is

predictable and fixed in size. Unstructured information is referred to as


. Examples of

unstructured information are e-mails and digital images.

Which type of information is growing most rapidly? Why?

Should a company place restrictions on how long content should be managed and how long it

should be retained?


Where is most content being stored?

Is it stored in corporate databases or on individual computers? Explain your answer.

What challenges does this pose to organizations in terms of storage capacity?

Is the organization legally responsible for unstructured content that is stored on an individual’s



Should corporate content ever be deleted?


Where would you find retention information for tax and corporate information and files?

What are the consequences of deleting files and e-mails in a corporate setting?

Can you and should you delete files and e-mails in corporations?

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