Custom Writing Service-Healthcare

Custom Writing Service-Healthcare

It is Monday morning. The Supervising Manager just sent you an email saying that a consulting company will be compiling all the data for the “Lessons Learned” session to be held later on. For that reason, you need to compile all the deliverables of this project in one 5-6 pages briefing paper. Make sure to incorporate the bibliography, and edit the complete document for style and formatting. Utilize appropriate subheadings and transitional statement to develop a cohesive report.

1.  A brief description of the severity of the managerial issue. [Case study attached]

2.  What is the impact and scope of the issue?  

3. The description of your job role [job role is supply chain officer]

4. At least 2 HC related managerial issues your job role is dealing with.  Proposed solutions and the policies supporting them. 

5. The policies and regulations that are affecting the solutions to this managerial issue (minimum 2). How to offset the restrictions and what are the reporting requirements?

6.  The stakeholder analysis

7. The outline of the stakeholder engagement/communication plan

8.  The stakeholder linkage map (group project highlighting your part in it)

9.  List at least 3 lessons pertinent to the managerial roles you were assigned to. Describe how your job role affected the necessary changes. Were the lessons identified somehow resolved in real life?

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