Custom Writing Service-Globalization and the Value Chain

Custom Writing Service-Globalization and the Value Chain

Globalization and the Value Chain

The purpose of this Assignment is for you to evaluate the impact of globalization on the value chain by applying elements from the Contemporary Value Chain model and additional decision-making factors.


Use the APA formatted Microsoft Word document template in Course Documents titled “Unit 4 Assignment Globalization” as the starting point. Download the template and save it as your own document, for example, YourNameUnit4GB570.docx.

Write an APA formatted 4–6-page paper, exclusive of the Title and References pages.

In your paper, address the following requirements using the directions included within the Unit 4 Assignment template.

Write your paper using third person perspective (do not use first or second person pronouns; (e.g., “I,” “me,” “you,” “we”).

In your paper, apply the 21 elements from the Contemporary Value Chain model, plus additional decision-making factors (all listed below) to evaluate the impact of globalization on a value chain. Here is the list of considerations that need to be addressed in the paper; all are related to the ultimate goal to earn customer value (includes customer delight and profitability). Within each element, describe what decisions may need to be made, for what reason, by whom, for what reason and how the elements are interrelated.

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