Custom Writing Service: Explain the unusual characteristic(s) or modification(s) and how it differs from the standard root, stem, leaf, or flower.

Custom Writing Service: Explain the unusual characteristic(s) or modification(s) and how it differs from the standard root, stem, leaf, or flower.

  • Choose an angiosperm with at least 1 unusual organ, characteristic, modification, or adaptation.
  • Describe the anatomy (structure) and physiology (function) of the angiosperm.
  • Explain the unusual characteristic(s) or modification(s) and how it differs from the standard root, stem, leaf, or flower.
  • What benefit does the modification provide to the plant you chose?
  • Research at least 1 other plant, or review posts made by your peers to devise a potentially advantageous new adaptation that would benefit your plant.
    • Consider the environment, potential threats, and changing climate, and then come up with an adaptation that would further benefit your angiosperm. Explain the potential concern your plant will face and how your new adaptation would benefit the plant. For example, gypsy moth is an introduced species spreading west and south from New England. The caterpillars can strip all of the leaves from a maple tree but do not eat the waxy leaves of holly that produce a toxin, theobromine. If maple trees had waxy, toxic leaves like the holly, then they would be protected from these pests.
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