Custom Writing Service-Evaluate the overall effectiveness of the “Fair and Square” repositioning strategy

Custom Writing Service-Evaluate the overall effectiveness of the “Fair and Square” repositioning strategy

Evaluate the overall effectiveness of the “Fair and Square” repositioning strategy. How well or poorly do all of the elements work together or work at odds with one another to deliver a coherent whole? what elements are mising?

What do the first and second quarter results indicate about the “Fair and Square” strategy?Are the first two quarters of results enough to validate or invalidate the changes? How would you respond to them?

What assumptions about J.C. Penney’s 5 C’s (customers, competitors, collaborators, context, and company) must hold true for the repositioning to be effective? What does Johnson perceive in these factors that lead him to believe that “Fair and Square” pricing can be a successful approach for J.C. Penney? How confident are you that these assumptions are correct?

Is J.C. Penney a brand that can be “Target-ized” or “Apple-ized?” Why or why not? In what fundamental ways does J.C. Penney differ from these two brands? Does Johnson’s plan address these differences in ways that make the success of J.C. Penney’s new strategy more or less likely?

Is Johnson’s past retail experience helping or hurting him as he tries to achieve his goal of making J.C. Penney “America’s favorite store?”

Do you agree with the changes Johnson is making to the pricing scheme that are set to take effect August 1st? Are they enough to turn things around?

What should Johnson do now? Looking out one year, will J.C. Penney be a stronger or weaker brand if he stays on the current course?

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