Custom Writing Service-Do you think the United Nations violates sovereignty when it sends peacekeeping forces into a country?

Custom Writing Service-Do you think the United Nations violates sovereignty when it sends peacekeeping forces into a country?

NATO has taken part in many operations since the Cold War ended, including Kosovo, against pirates in Somalia, helping after Hurricane Katrina, the no-fly zone over Libya, policing air space over Ukraine from Russia, and the war in Afghanistan.  Friday (4/13/18), NATO started bombing of chemical weapon facilities in Syria.  What do you think NATO’s role in the world should be?  Should it still exist now that the cold war has ended?  What do you think about the current bombing in Syria?  Please back up any opinions about these ideas with facts and sources.  Thanks!

Do you think the United Nations violates sovereignty when it sends peacekeeping forces into a country?  If so, does the UN have the right to violate this sovereignty when a country is violating the human rights of its own people?

Do you think there should a global government?  Why or why not?  If so, what form do you think it should take?  What should they control, and what should they not control?  Who should be in charge?

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