Custom Writing Service- Discuss the leadership of the organization and its relationship to the culture.

Custom Writing Service- Discuss the leadership of the organization and its relationship to the culture.

he objective of this assignment is to take an organization and describe its culture and the impact of its culture on its performance. After choosing your organization, use the following questions to guide your analysis of the culture.

Cite all references used in your research.

1. Describe the organization’s culture through its values, rituals, beliefs, language, architecture, stories, heroes and artifacts.

 Discuss the leadership of the organization and its relationship to the culture.

How does the culture of the organization reflect the industry and environment in which that company conducts business?

How would you advise a new employee to behave and in this culture?

Your paper should be a maximum of three (3) pages, double-spaced in a Microsoft Word document. The page count suggested is the maximum, but answers can be shorter if they are well written, concise and include a depth of content.

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