Custom Writing Service-Computer Science

Custom Writing Service-Computer Science

  1. What is the RISC and CISC?
  2. What is an interrupt?
  3. Explain the difference between RAM and ROM memory.
  4. What is the PSW?
  5. What are registers used for?
  6. Which processor would be faster: Processor A – 16 bit, 2 GHz; OR Processor B – 32 bit 1 GHz? Explain your selection.
  7. What is a Bidirectional bus?
  8. What type of security did the early (pre-1960) computer systems use?
  9. Consider a hypothetical processor that is 16-bit and uses 16-bit buses. What is the maximum memory address space that this processor can access?
  10. Name 5 components of the von Neumann model and state its purpose.
  11. What is a bus?
  12. Explain the roles of the data bus, control bus and address bus.
  13. Explain the concept of buffering.
  14. Explain the concept of the control unit. Why does the control unit improve the systems performance?
  15. Based on what you have learned about I/O, explain the difference between Sequential and Random Accessing methods.
  16. Explain what a system clock is, and why it is important.
  17. What is propagation delay? What role does it play in I/O devices?
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