Custom Writing Service-Characteristics of an Organization

Custom Writing Service-Characteristics of an Organization

Characteristics of an Organization

  • Review the information in the Learning Resources regarding strategic planning; types of organizations; organizational commitments to patient care, teaching, and/or research; and the mission, vision, and values of organizations.
  • Using the Internet, research various health care organizations (including those with which you are already familiar) that differ in focus, commitment, and mission, vision, and values. For the purposes of this Discussion, select two organizations with significant differences.
  • Compare information about the two organizations. Based on the information presented in the Learning Resources, how do they differ?
  • What are some possible implications of these differences for various stakeholders (e.g., nursing administration, patients, and community)? What does this mean for nursing’s role within each organization?
  • Identify a goal or objective based on a strategic planning tool, such as SWOT or Balanced Scorecard, or Six Sigma consistent with the mission of the organization.

Myriad characteristics influence the experiences of patients, nurses, and others in any health care setting. In addition to the factors noted above, the mission, vision, and values that guide an organization, as well as an institution’s commitments to patient care, teaching, and/or research, warrant significant consideration.

As a nurse leader–manager, it is helpful to look at all of these aspects, especially as they relate to strategic planning and the sustainability of the organization. To that end, for this Discussion you compare multiple aspects of two organizations and consider the implications for nursing. In addition, you will apply a Strategic Planning tool, such as SWOT or Balanced Scorecard, or Six Sigma principles to establish one realistic goal or objective consistent with the mission of the organization.

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