Custom Writing Service-Businеss Рlаn

Custom Writing Service-Businеss Рlаn

Produce a business plan for a hypothetical business you might like to establish. This should be a small business in scale and should be of your own design. While your business may be similar to other established businesses it must not be a franchise. For purposes of this assignment the business should also be a physical one and not purely online.
Your business plan should contain each of the following sections. For an example plan see Chapter 16 of the textbook “Small Business Management in the 21st Century”.
Executive Summary: Create a one page summary for your plan. Appears first but is done last. This is a very important part of your plan and should include details about marketing, finance and operations.
Business Philosophy / Mission Statement: Outline the philosophy of your business and its mission.
Product/Service Description: Describe the products and/or services you will be providing. Outline the customer benefits and why your chosen product/services will be successful. You must also include retail prices in this section and estimate how many units you will sell for each product on a monthly basis.
Self Analysis: Explain why you are a good candidate for starting up your business. Ideas to ponder: reliability, creativity, teamwork skills, education, list special talents such as computer skills etc

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