Custom Writing Service-Assessing the Environment


Custom Writing Service-Assessing the Environment

Identify three of the principal political strategies (e.g. negotiation, lobbying, alliance, etc.) that you have seen managers use to cope with external forces and give a concrete example of each of the three strategies describing the situation and the strategy.


As an alternative, locate three current news articles about companies that are examples of three different strategies (negotiation, lobbying, alliance, etc.) and write a brief summary of what you have read describing the situations and the strategies.


Using the material in Chapter 4 as a guide, identify three environmental forces that have a significant impact on your industry. Prepare a 2 – 3 page paper (typed, 12-font, double-spaced) that summarizes these forces. Identify the environmental force (e.g. competitive, political-legal) and include an explanation of the ways in which your work place and the work that you do are affected. Be sure to incorporate concepts from the text as well as your own experience and insights.
As an alternative, if you are not currently employed, you may use a previous employer or the employer of a close friend or relative.

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