Custom Writing Service-Assessing and Treating Clients with Impulsivity, Compulsivity and Addiction 

Custom Writing Service-Assessing and Treating Clients with Impulsivity, Compulsivity and Addiction

Assessing and Treating Clients with Impulsivity, Compulsivity and Addiction

Pharmacotherapy practice to treating substance use disorders is often referred to as medication assisted treatment (MAT) (Sharp et al., 2018). In this practice, specific medications approved by Federal Drug Administration (FDA) are used in combination with counseling and behavioral therapies in treatment of a substance use disorder (Sharp et al, 2018) Medications can reduce the cravings and other symptoms associated with withdrawal from a substance by occupying receptors in the brain associated with using that drug (agonists or partial agonists), block the rewarding sensation that comes with using a substance (antagonists), or induce negative feelings when a substance is taken ( SAMHSA, 2016).

MAT has been primarily used for the treatment of opioid use disorder but is also used for alcohol use disorder and the treatment of some other substance use disorders. This paper focuses on pharmacotherapy approaches to treatment of alcohol use disorder, gambling disorder and smoking addiction in a 53 year- old female of Puerto origin.

Case Scenario

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