Custom Writing Service-Assess Enforcement Capabilities 

Custom Writing Service-Assess Enforcement Capabilities

Assess Enforcement Capabilities 

Federal and state administrative agencies often face the possibility of limited funding and employee layoffs. As such, limited resources can impact an administrative agencies ability to carry out its responsibilities.

Assume you are a senior agency administrator tasked with presenting the importance of following and enforcing regulations. Your audience is a group of agency managers whose budgets have just been reduced, and they are considering the elimination of regulations officers within the divisions.

Develop a PowerPoint presentation that promotes the importance of enforcing agency regulations.

Values an understanding of how agencies enforce their      regulations.

Details the steps in formal rulemaking.

Justifies the importance of recordkeeping and      reporting.

Examines the enforcement of power agencies have within      the scope of the Fourth Amendment.

Validates the scope of power agencies wield in relation      to the Fifth Amendment.

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