Custom Writing Service-Art Criticism 

Custom Writing Service-Art Criticism

Chapter 3 in our An Introduction to Art Criticism textbook introduced us to interpretation and analysis. For this discussion, apply what you read to critically analyze a work of Jewish, Christian, or Islamic art, using some of the language of art analysis.

Here is a review of the four-step process:

Name and describe the facts. Simply identify the objects in the artwork by describing what you see.

Analyze the facts. Using the language of art, describe what elements of the artwork catch your attention. These could be elements such as shapes, lines, colors, or textures.

Interpret the evidence. Based upon what you learned in steps 1 and 2, what do you think the artwork is about? What ideas, moods, emotions, messages, or stories do you think the artwork communicates?

Judge the work of art. Do the objects, elements, and meaning of the artwork achieve the desired result, in comparison with other works of art?

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