Custom Writing Service-A High Level CS Homework, Creating A Webiste.

Custom Writing Service-A High Level CS Homework, Creating A Webiste.

Project Manager The captain of the development team. They facilitate communication, set expectations and make sure the team is on track. The PM reports the status of the project back to the Project Stakeholder weekly.

Lead Developer Responsible for all technical aspects of the project. This role should be assigned to one group member identified as your strongest programmer.

Junior Developer Everyone on the team that is not a Lead Developer is a Junior Developer. Junior Developers are expected to take technical direction from the Lead Developer and contribute to the project source code.

Web Designer The web designer is responsible for the overall design of the user interface. The Web Designer creates the Story Board / wireframe mockups of the site.

Content Developer Responsible for generating content (text, images, etc.)

Quality Assurance Responsible for testing the website. All links, images, HTML/CSS validation, etc. Errors are reported back to the Lead Developer, who either corrects the error or delegates the fix to a Junior Developer.

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