Custom Essays Online-How Creatively Confident Are You Now

Custom Essays Online-How Creatively Confident Are You Now

In this course, you have learned about the theories, tools and techniques to develop personal and organizational creativity, a culture of innovation, and design thinking as a human centered approach to creativity and innovation. Reflecting and writing about the key topics of the course is a great way to consolidate your learning and develop your critical thinking skills by processing your reaction and feelings for what you have learned.


In a 4-6 page paper, please discuss how the course readings, learning activities and assignments have influenced your understanding of the topics and how you feel about their effectiveness both for you personally and in the workplace.


Begin by briefly summarizing in your introduction what you have learned and how it aligned with your expectations coming into the class. Identify the points you will discuss in the paper and the order in which you will introduce them.


Discuss each of the topics thoroughly and provide specific examples as well as cited references.


In your conclusion, identify what you felt was the most important learning and how you confidently you feel about your ability to creatively work with a team to solve and implement a personal, community or workplace problem or need. Be sure to identify which theories, tools and/or technique(s) you feel were most beneficial in helping to build your creative confidence.


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