Custom Essays Online-Define the project, write a project narrative and develop a project plan, including the processes that would be used to manage financial, technical, human and physical resources

Custom Essays Online-Define the project, write a project narrative and develop a project plan, including the processes that would be used to manage financial, technical, human and physical resources

To demonstrate competence in this unit you will need to show that you can design and develop a project plan. Your task is to select an idea, improvement or opportunity that could be applied in a business operation. Describe the business and the project you might initiate. You will need to describe and define the project in context. Explain why such a project would be beneficial. What procedures might you use to ensure that the project was sponsored and supported by the organisation?

Define the project, write a project narrative and develop a project plan, including the processes that would be used to manage financial, technical, human and physical resources.


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