Custom Essays Online-Analyze legal, social, and economic developments for their defining role in ethical expectations of the business and accounting profession

Custom Essays Online-Analyze legal, social, and economic developments for their defining role in ethical expectations of the business and accounting profession

ACC 696 Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric The submission of the first milestone is an opportunity to receive feedback for the first two critical elements of your summative assessment. You should use this feedback by incorporating the comments and suggestions into your final draft. For this assignment, you will identify the company you have chosen to evaluate for an ethics violation. Provide a background of the company, including the industry in which it operates and a brief history of the company, and identify the ethics violation you will be evaluating. For the second part of this paper, expand upon the specifics of the ethical violation. This assessment will evaluate your mastery with respect to the following course outcomes:

 Analyze legal, social, and economic developments for their defining role in ethical expectations of the business and accounting profession

 Assess the ethical responsibilities of professional accountants to internal and external stakeholders relating to the financial reporting process

 Apply theoretical models of ethical behavior to contemporary accounting issues Specifically, the following critical elements must be

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