Custom Essays-BSBMKG419 Analyse consumer bahaviour

Custom Essays-BSBMKG419 Analyse consumer bahaviour
BSBMKG419 Analyse consumer bahaviour

Project This assessment project is to be completed in addition to the learning and assessment activities you complete in class. The project is designed to assess the knowledge and skills you have to analyse consumer behaviour to target marketing to specific markets and specific needs.

If you are not sure about any aspect of the assessment or would like to discuss your particular needs, please speak to your trainer-assessor. Your trainer will tell you the date you need to make your presentations.  

All parts of the project will be given to you at the same time. You need to complete all parts and submit them together by the due date. This will be in the last week of classes for the unit.

This project assignment is to be completed using the “Bellamy’s Organic goes to China” case study. It is included in the “Additional Information” section.

The checklist and scope of submission table will identify the records that you are required to prepare and submit (as a single submission).

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