Custom Essay Writing- Explain the six main factors (Social and demographic forces; Economic forces; Political forces; Technological forces; Informational forces and Ecological Forces) that will determine the future change in health care

Custom Essay Writing-Examine the Federal Supply Schedule program and Assess the different marketing methods used to market to the federal government

Explain the six main factors (Social and demographic forces; Economic forces; Political forces; Technological forces; Informational forces and Ecological Forces) that will determine the future change in health care.

Review four separate articles (don’t forget to reference) from the Internet relevant to the future of health care by 2025.

Examine the Federal Supply Schedule program.

Assess the different marketing methods used to market to the federal government.

Compare the support programs available to small-business contractors.

Use technology and information resources to research issues in contract administration and management.

Write clearly and concisely about contract administration and management using proper writing mechanics.

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