Custom Essay Writing-Compare and contrast publicity and public relations between USA and Saudi Arabia and identify how Virgin as a global company benefited or hindered by publicity


Custom Essay Writing-Compare and contrast publicity and public relations between USA and Saudi Arabia and identify how Virgin as a global company benefited or hindered by publicity

Highlight Virgin’s global advertising platform and identify its worldwide ad spending. How is this being compared to the telecommunication spending of direct competitors in Saudi Arabia? Research, analyze and discuss.

Compare and contrast publicity and public relations between USA and Saudi Arabia and identify how Virgin as a global company benefited or hindered by publicity

Identify the most important sales promotion tactics and tools used by Virgin around the world (pick two countries)

Compare the above Virgin sales promotion tactics within these two countries with what is offered in Saudi Arabia by direct competitors. Any adjustment(s) that might occur to Virgin current sales promotion tactics when they apply it in Saudi Arabia? Why?

Explain the contingency factors that must be considered when making decisions about sales force nationality in Saudi Arabia that Virgin will face.

How Virgin global company will integrate Advertising, Public Relation, Sales Promotion, and Personal Selling into the overall promotion mix.

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