Custom Essay Writing-Analysis of economic data and business data to explain how the core economic principles impact the sustainability of the firm and what actions the firm can take to ensure success.

Custom Essay Writing-Analysis of economic data and business data to explain how the core economic principles impact the sustainability of the firm and what actions the firm can take to ensure success.

analysis of economic data and business data to explain how the core economic principles impact the sustainability of the firm and what actions the firm can take to ensure success.

  • Identify the market structure your chosen firm operates in, analyze your chosen firm’s current market share, and identify the firm’s local/global competitors. Analyze the barriers to entry in this market to illustrate the potential for new competition and its impact on your firm’s future in the market
  • Identify and explain trends in current macroeconomic indicators for last three years including:
    • Current stage of the business cycle.
    • Real gross domestic product (GDP).
    • Inflation as measured by the consumer price index (CPI).
    • Unemployment rate.
    • Federal funds rate.
    • Current rate for borrowing funds such as the so-called “prime rate.”  Note: A requirement of the Week 1 Influence of Economics on Household Decision Making report was to gather data on the CPI, GDP, and interest rates, so you should consider reviewing the feedback you received on the Week 1 report.
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