2. Make a copy of the interview schedule.
3. If you adapt any of the questions, or ask additional questions, write a note in the margins of the tool. Specify how the question was adapted, or what additional questions were asked, and note the responses.
4. Write a two page reflection paper, which describes what this experience was like for you. What personal insights did you gain through this experience related to your prior assumptions about other cultures, religions or the diversity of our community?
The paper is to be typed in 12 point, Times New Roman font.
A. Identify what stood out for you about this experience and explain why it stood out.
B. Describe the most significant thing you learned about the person you interviewed.
a. Explain why it was significant.
C. Describe the most significant thing you learned about yourself from this experience.
a. Explain why it was significant.
5. Attach the two page reflection paper to your Heritage Assessment Tool with responses indicated.
6. Turn in the Heritage Assessment Tool, responses and reflection by the due date.