critique of text on different perspectives

Chapter 0

Protagonist/s:  Marie-Laure LeBlanc/ Werner Pfennig

Antagonists: Germans

Time: 7th August 1944

Setting: Saint-Malo, France

Summary: Hours before the bombs are dropped in the city of Saint-Malo; leaflets are dropped to inform the inhabitants to evacuate. The story’s main characters/protagonists, 16-year-old Marie-Laure and 18-year-old Werner Pfennig both have not yet evacuated.

Marie-Laure is a blind girl. She is alone in her great-uncle, Etienne’s house.

Werner is a soldier in the German army, staying at “the Hotel of Bees”.

Marie-Laure is fumbling with a model her father made of the city of Saint-Malo. The model carries a sacred diamond inside named the Sea of Flames. Werner on the other hand takes shelter with his fellow soldiers in the cellar.

The bombing then begins.

Theme: The audience first feels a little confused, as there is very little information provided of why everything is happening. This chapter clearly has not introduced the characters properly and the story starts during the climax, the crisis. The uncertainty the audience first feels is used on purpose to intensify the feelings of chaos and confusement the characters in the book feel. Throughout this chapter there is a sense of loneliness; as danger is coming, both characters long for their family. For Marie-Laure, it is her father, for Werner it is his sister and the orphanage that he grew up in. Chapter Zero is a very tense.


Chapter 1

Protagonist/s: Marie-Laure LeBlanc/ Werner Pfennig

Time: 1934

Antagonists: Germans

Setting: Paris, France/ Zollverein, Germany

Summary: Chapter one goes back 10 years.

Marie-Laure LeBlanc lives in Paris. Her father is a locksmith who works in a museum, in this chapter she learns about a diamond named the “Sea of Flames”. The stone is rumored to be cursed so the owner of it will live an eternal life however all his/hers loved ones be ruined from misfortune. Marie-Laure’s father built a model of the neighborhood so that Marie-Laure would learn to navigate the city by herself since she is blind. Marie-Laure becomes a fan of science because it helps her rationalize and understand what is going on. She learns by reading books in Braille. Marie-Laure and her father are to evacuate Paris because there are rumors that Germany is invading France. Daniel LeBlanc carries the “Sea of Flame”, he is told that there is 3 replicas given to different people but does not know if he is carrying the real diamond.

Werner Pfennig and his younger sister, Jutta live in an orphanage in Zollverein, Germany. They live near a coal mine. Werner is curious and intelligent. While Werner and Jutta were out exploring together, they found a broken radio and brought it back to the orphanage. Werner studied the machine and fixed it. Every night they would listen to Nazi propaganda and science. Werner also found a book about mechanics, he is fascinated by it however it is confiscated from him because the author is Jewish. He is told that he is going to work in the mines just like all the boys in Zollverein when he turns 15. However, he gets an unexpected chance to escape the coalmines when he fixes the radio of rich and powerful man named Rudolf Siedler. Siedler is impressed by the boy and writes a letter of recommendation to the school for Nazi youngsters.


From the climax in chapter 1, the readers are now reading the opening, where the characters are introduced properly. This is the exposition of the story, the status quo.

Firstly, there is an important theme of family in this chapter. The audience starts to understand the importance of the antagonists is to the protagonist. Marie-Laure’s relationship with her father is very important, they both had to suffer through a lot: The death of Marie-Laure’s mother, Marie Laure’s eyesight deterioration etc. You can clearly sense the seemingly strong and unbreakable bond between them, this leads to the audience to wonder where Daniel LeBlanc is during the chapter 0. Werner Pfennig has an important relationship with his sister. They deeply care for each other and have always been there for each other.

Another theme that some of the audience might have noticed is that both of the treasured objects are like a way to escape for both of the protagonists. Marie-Laure is finally able to go outside and explore a completely different world, while Werner’s radio is able to get in contact with the things beyond the little city he lives in. However, they soon learn that the world is different from the information that is given to them. Marie-Laure not only has to learn what is where from the model, but also learns the size difference, the smell, sound and feel of the real world. Werner starts to question about what is ethnically correct, the Nazi propaganda has influenced him to think that Germany cannot do anything wrong and that Jews criminals.

The next theme this chapter has brought is a theme of selfishness. While learning about the “Sea of Flames” Marie-Laure asked “Why not just take the diamond and throw it into the sea”(Chapter 1, 23) to which one of the children reply with “When is the last time you saw someone throw five Eiffel Towers into the sea?” (23, chapter 1). These quotes show that people would rather risk hurting others for their own selfish gain. The stone symbolizes how people’s selfishness can unintentionally harm others. This theme is also shown when Marie-Laure evacuates Paris. The books states that the people at the train stations were so desperate to leave that they would create chaos, which results in Marie-Laure and her father needing to walk. For Werner he is forced to do things that he thinks are wrong because everyone else is doing it too. He has to be selfish to fit in, to distance himself from danger. Avoiding the mines means that he must be fully committed to the Nazi cause even thought he knows it is wrong.

Lastly, there is the theme of choice. Because war is approaching, both Werner and Marie-Laure do not have much choice in anything anymore. Marie-Laure does not have the choice but to leave Paris. Werner has no choice but to join the Hitler Youth and to listen to German propaganda because the government makes sure that it is the only things the citizens can listen to. This makes the audience feel helpless, both characters want independence but the chaos around them does not allow it.

This chapter is full of realization for the audience. The audience gets to understand about both characters in another level, and also read about each characters growth. The audience is able to connect the dots and learn that the diamond, which Marie-Laure carried, was indeed the Sea of Flame and understand its importance to the plot. The audience feels sympathy for the characters since they are both likable and pure children who have already have had to live in such terrible conditions.


Chapter 2

Protagonist/s: Marie-Laure LeBlanc/ Werner Pfennig

Antagonists: Germans

Time:  8th August 1944

Setting: Saint-Malo, France


Werner is in the cellar of the Hotel of Bee where they are struck by a bomb. He is temporarily knocked out, and temporarily deafened by the noise. The cellar had collapsed and the three men are trapped.

Marie-Laure is in Etienne’s house, there is broken glass everywhere but the house hasn’t been bombed yet. Marie-Laure climbs down from the sixth floor to the cellar underneath the kitchen.

Theme: Main theme of this chapter is disorientation and mess. Both Marie-Laure and Werner are not only physically hurt but also mentally. Marie-Laure says that she felt detached from her body, unable to speak, and Werner’s senses are all in chaos, he is unable to see because of the darkness, hear from the loud sound the bomb created, or even stand up because the ceiling had been lowered during the bombing. Both protagonists are stuck in some way. Marie-Laure is uncertain about where she should be, given that her blindness makes her incapable of making a safe choice: if she stays in the cellar she might burn to death, if she leaves she might be shot, arrested or bombed. Werner is stuck in the basement; they have very little resources left. The audience during this chapter feels panicky as both characters are in sticky situations.


Chapter 3

Protagonist/s: Marie-Laure LeBlanc/ Werner Pfennig

Antagonists: Germans

Time: June 1940

Setting: On the way to Saint-Malo/ Saint-Malo, France/ Schulpforta, Germany/ Zollverein, Germany


Marie-Laure and her father travel to Saint-Malo, where Marie-Laure’s great uncle Etienne lives. After days of endless walking, Etienne’s housekeeper, Madam Manec, finally greets them with food and shelter.  Marie-Laure and her father start living in Etienne’s house. They learn that Germans are taking over France. After many days, they finally meet Etienne, who is very kind but rather pensive and dreamy.

Werner goes for the 8-day entrance. Unlike all the other boys, he performed a perfect jump, followed by shouting “Hail Hitler”, which gets him accepted. He gets a letter soon and everyone is overjoyed except his sister Jutta, who refuses to speak to him. Werner prepares to leave for his school in Schulpforta. He finally talks to Jutta on his last day. She tells Werner that she fears that the school will make Werner brutal, much like the other Nazi youths. She says that she hears from the radio that the foreign radio has been reporting about German’s invasions and bombing. Werner leaves to Schulpforta. Life is harsh there; his classmates are cruel and mean. He shares are bunk with Frederick, who is a bird lover. He becomes Werner’s only friend.

Reinhold von Rumpel is introduced in this chapter. He is a Nazi sergeant major. He is an overseer of the Nazi confiscation of precious gems, who is in search for the legendary “Sea of Flames” diamond.

The Germans arrive. Marie-Laure is desperate to leave the house. She begs her father but he refuses, claiming that it is too dangerous. Marie-Laure spends a lot of time with her great-uncle, and together they imagine places he reads. Etienne shows Marie-Laure a radio transmitter stored in the attic, he tells her that he and his brother Henri used to record shows about science. The French citizens are ordered to surrender their radios. All the radios are gathered except for the one in the attic, which no one knows about, but Marie-Laure and Etienne. Etienne learns about the radio situation and becomes paranoid so he moved a large wardrobe in front of the attic.

Dr.Hauptmann, the technical sciences teacher discovers Werner’s love for technology. The professor orders Werner to go to his laboratory every night to teach him about trigonometry. A giant older student named Frank Volkheimer is there to supervise him.

Claude Levitte, a perfumer in the neighborhood Marie-Laure lives in notices that Daniel LeBlanc had been taking measurements of the streets. He reports Daniel’s behavior to the Germans.


The commandant asks the students including Werner who the weakest out of the group is. The student who was chosen was given a head start running, then the rest of the group chases him. The boy isn’t caught, but this part is clearly rising action, as the readers can sense that something terrible is about to happen. This happened again, but the boy who was chosen was Werner’s friend Frederick. He gets caught and beaten. Werner helplessly watches him.

Von Rumpel goes to the Museum of Natural History. He asks about the Sea of Flames but the museum claims that they do not know of such thing. Von Rumpel then threatens them, leading him to the safe where a replica of the diamond stored.

Marie-Laure father receives a letter that asks him to return to Paris. He finishes the model of Saint-Malo and hides the Sea of Flames inside it. While on the train, he gets arrested, and sent to a prison camp.



This chapter is the rising action. It covers “call to adventure”, “assistance”, “departure” and “trials” of the hero’s journey cycle.

The readers first are given a description of Marie-Laure’s great uncle, Etienne as a mentally ill, insane character, and later when properly introduced to the character, they realize that their image of him is completely inaccurate. Similarly, with Werner’s side of the story, the author tells many rumors of Volkheimer, that he “has carried three first years across the river by holding them above his head: supposedly he has lifted the tail end of the commandants automobile high enough to slip a jack under the axle.”(152, Chapter 3)etc. The reader’s later learn that he is a gentle giant. He becomes Werner’s protection.

Again, this chapter challenges the meaning of ethics and morality. Jutta listens to the broadcast from the other side, the Germans are devils and are committing “atrocities”(133, Chapter 3). Werner has his doubts, but he ignores her. In school, he watches his friend get beaten and knows it is wrong but does not know how to respond so he just simply stood by. Werner is symbolic here of the many Germans during WWII who were troubled by their nations action but did not know what to do. Werner’s character shows that this could happen to anyone.

This chapter is also full of dramatic irony. When Etienne describes his radio show to Marie-Laure, the readers know that it is the same radio broadcast Werner and his sister used to listen to as children. What seems like am insignificant action to Etienne changed Werner’s life. Readers know that the letters that Werner was sending to his sister was all false optimism. From the narration, the reader knows that Werner has his doubts. Furthermore, readers know that the measurement taken of the city Daniel LeBlanc was for the model for his daughter. This scene is clearly the rising action. The readers can sense danger (climax) approaching.


Chapter 4

Protagonist/s: Marie-Laure LeBlanc/ Werner Pfennig

Antagonists: Germans

Time: 8th August 1944

Setting: Saint-Malo, France


Von Rumpel is given the address of the LeBlanc’s and enters the house.

Werner and Volkheimer are still trapped under the hotel. Werner is still trying to fix the radio even though he had concluded that it is broken beyond repair.

Marie-Laure finds 2 cans of food in the cellar. The bombing seemed to have stopped, so she went to the bathroom. Then she hears someone entering the house.



This chapter is significantly slower paced. This chapter provides the readers insight to the characters inner thoughts. Werner is still trapped under the thick layer of rubble. He starts to question why he is still alive, he thinks of his sins in the past; He felt like he had betrayed his sister. The slow pace of the story also increases the narrative tension as the stranger (Von Rumpel) gets closer and closer to Marie-Laure.


Chapter 5

Protagonist/s: Marie-Laure LeBlanc/ Werner Pfennig

Antagonist/s: Germans

Time: January 1941

Setting: Saint-Malo, France/ Schulpforta in Germany/ Berlin, Germany


During a holiday from school, Werner is invited to Fredericks home in Berlin. Unlike him, Frederick is very wealthy. He learns about a world completely different to the one he grew up in. However, instead of enjoying his time, he finds it oppressive and troubling.  When school starts, the cadets are woken up at midnight to punish a foreign prisoner. The prisoner was tied and all the students were commanded to throw a bucket of cold water at the prisoner until he dies from the cold. When it is Frederick’s turn, he refuses follow the orders and pours three buckets at his feet. Volkheimer tells Werner later that the school leader brings a “foreign prisoner” every year as a part of the cadets training. Werner continues to learn from Dr.Hauptmann, they start going out at night to use trigonometry to locate radio transmitter in field tests. Frederick is be bullied and beaten. Werner suggests Frederick to go home, where it is safer, but Frederick interprets Werner’s concern as betrayal. Frederick disappears the next day. Werner goes to the infirmary, where he is told that Frederick is transferred for surgery and will not return. Werner falls into depression and asks Dr. Hauptmann to send him back home, but Hauptmann misinterprets him, saying that Werner thinks too highly of himself. Hauptmann is later summoned to work in Berlin, where he lies to the government saying that Werner is 18 instead of 16. Werner is sent to join a special technology division the in the military. Before he leaves to the army, he visits Frederick, whose mind been severely damaged by his injuries. He is unable to remember anything and lost interest in birds.

After weeks of Marie-Laure’s father missing, she finds out that he never even arrived in Paris. In frustration, she shuts herself from the world. To cheer her up, Madam Manec brings her to the beach.

Von Rumpel finds out that the diamond given to him was a fake. He then locates the creator of the replicas and interrogates him. He goes to the hospital where the doctor tells him that he needs a biopsy due to his groin and lymph nodes swelling. He learns that he has lymphoid tumors. It is terminal and results in a limp when he walks. He thinks that the Sea of Flames is able to heal him.

Marie-Laure received as letter from her father. He states that he has been taken well care of. She keeps going to the beach with Madam Manec, and learns the way without guidance. Madam Manec and other old women create a group to resist against the German rule. One of the resisters, Hubert Bazin leads Marie-Laure to a locked grotto, and gives the key(of the grotto) to her. Madam Manec is also given what kinds of information that will be valuable for the Allies. She asks Etienne to help her by transmitting the information using the radio in the attic, but he refuses. Hubert Bazin disappears. Policemen arrive to Etienne’s house and informs about what had happened to Daniel Le-Blanc. Etienne because even more paranoiac and bans the resistant meetings in his house. Madame Manec gets pneumonia; she recovers then relapses and passes away. Marie-Laure receives a letter from her father that if she wants to understand his disappearance she must look “inside Etienne’s house, inside the house” (289,chapter 5).




This chapter is still in “trials” of the Hero’s Journey cycle.


The first theme introduced is friendship.  Friendship is a frequently occurring theme in literature. Fredrick and Werner have bonded so much. The cruel nature of the school has pushed them together. Even though they have very different backgrounds and interest, they still deeply care for each other. However, this changes, the sudden twist of events leads to their relationship to end. The readers feel sympathy for Werner because he meant differently.


The next theme is difference. The readers first notice this when Werner visited Fredrick’s house, he overhears Frederick’s mother talking about their Jewish neighbor in a impolite manner. Then Frederick gets severely injured because he is different. This overshadows what will happen in the war.


Lastly, the theme of war appears. War takes away choice; it takes away freedom. Werner realizes that the field tests that he does with Hauptmann is actually very cruel. He is realizes that he is taught to detect rebels to kill them. Werner finds this wrong and is troubled by the thought of how cruel the institute has made him, however he cannot change this, he has no power. He feels trapped, he is stuck in this system to support what he thinks is wrong; if he continues to work under Hauptmann, he has to kill other, if he disobeys he will be punished like Frederick, if he leaves he will work in the mines and be sent to war. His life is controlled, no matter what he thinks. Anthony Doerr highlights this theme using the character Fredrick. Werner and Fredrick have a conversation, Fredrick says that there is no such thing as free will, he talks about how his life is all planned out by his parents and how he has no say in it.  The author compares Werner’s life and Marie-Laure’s to show the different people during war. Marie-Laure and Madame Manec are trying to protest, they are doing something about the German occupation. Madame Manec embodies the idea of seizing opportunities; while it is risky, it is worthwhile. War also shows how people react to fear. Etienne’s fear leads him to passively support the German system. He hinders the resistance effort because of his fear.


Chapter 6

Protagonist/s: Marie-Laure LeBlanc/ Werner Pfennig

Antagonist/s: Germans

Time: 8th August 1944


Marie-Laure recognizes the sound of the limp of the stranger. She met Von Rumpel when he followed her to the grotto. She hides in the hidden attic. Thankfully, Von Rumpel does not see the secret door.

Werner is still stuck beneath the rubble of the Hotel of Bees. Bernd the engineer dies. Werner finally fixes the radio, but he is only able to hear statics. He keeps scanning


Theme: Firstly, there is a theme of regret and betrayal. Before Bernd dies he tells a story of how he abandoned his father on his last visit. This reminds Werner about how he felt as if he had betrayed his sister Jutta, by shutting her out of his life, and rarely even writing to her. This is a very moving part of the story. It is very dark. The readers relate to the characters easily.

This chapter is also very ironic. Both Werner and Marie-Laure are trapped with radios. The radios simultaneously give a sense of isolation and connection.


Chapter 7

Protagonist/s: Marie-Laure LeBlanc/ Werner Pfennig

Antagonist/s: Germans

Setting :  Berlin, Germany/ Saint-Malo, France / Vienne, Austria

Time: August 1942


Werner is taken to Russia. He sees a truck full of dead corpses. They travel in a truck named Opel. Volkheimer is part of his new unit. Their try to look for forbidden radio broadcasts so they can kill rebel. The unit goes to Vienna; they kill a young girl and her mother because they mistook the clotheslines as radio antennas.

The death of Madame Manec inspires Etienne. He cuts a false door in the back of the floor wardrobe so he could start using the radio transmitter again. He remembers Madame Manecs request to use the radio transmitter before she died, and starts to put her plan into action.

Von Rumpel finds the second and third replica of the Sea of Flames. He goes to Marie-Laure’s house in Paris, and finds the house model, but finds out it is hallow and crushes it. French resistance fighters blew up a bridge using the information given by Etienne’s radio broadcasts. The German commander requests Werner’s unit to locate and destroy the rebels in Saint-Malo.



This chapter is still in trials.

Anthony Doerr uses this chapter to highlight the theme of death. Death impacts Marie-Laure and Werner differently. On Marie-Laure side, the author shows how meaningful death can be. Madame Manec’s death inspired Etienne. It shows how much death can change a person, how it can awaken a person. While Werner passes a truck stacked with dead corpses, showing just how inhumane war makes people. They are all stacked on top of each other, as if each dead soldier was just like garbage. Furthermore, Werner kills innocent people because of his mistake. He is troubled deeply; he finds his own perspective towards all of life tainted by the ways he has hurt others. Readers feel horrified in this chapter; the author purposely described this chapter more graphically to make them feel uncomfortable and realize how senseless the killing of the war is.


Chapter 8

Protagonist/s: Marie-Laure LeBlanc/ Werner Pfennig

Antagonist/s: Germans

Time: 9th August 1944


Allied artillery begins shelling Saint-Malo again. Von Rumpel becomes delirious from his illness and attempts to search the house once again. Marie-Laure gets out of the attic for water, and found a Braille copy of a book. She starts to broadcast herself reading, hoping that someone, maybe Etienne will hear her.

Werner continues to scan the radio. Regretfully, he and Volkheimer discuss how eager they once were to leave their homes, only to be disappointed. Werner suddenly hears Marie-Laure’s voice in the radio. She paused, “he is here. He is right below me” she whispers and the connection and lost again. Werner feels helpless, he wants to rescue her but can’t.

Theme: The theme in this chapter is hope. Both characters feel hopeful that they will be found.  After fixing the radio, they finally hear someone. This brings hope. Marie-Laure reads her book because of hope. Readers find this a very peaceful chapter even thought the characters are in chaos. It is also very exciting since this is the first the two protagonists connect.


Chapter 9

Protagonist/s: Marie-Laure LeBlanc/ Werner Pfennig

Antagonist/s: Germans

Time: May 1944

Setting: Saint-Malo, France


Werner and team continue to try to locate Etienne’s radio broadcast. Werner recognized the voice immediately. It was the same French Professor he had grown up with. He does not tell that he found the broadcaster. Alone, he went searching for the house and watches Marie-Laure leave.

Von Rumpel cannot live much longer. He is told that Daniel LeBlanc was arrested because of Levitte, so he visits him. He is given the LeBlancs address.

Madame Ruelle informs Marie-Laure that soldiers are invading France. Marie-Laure visits the grotto where she meets Von Rumpel.  As time passes, Etienne realizes that Marie-Laure was gone and becomes anxious.  For the first time in years, he goes outside. Eventually, Madame Ruelle and Etienne find her. Marie-Laure starts to suspect that the model carries the Sea of Flames after Von Rumpel questioned about it. Etienne is arrested after he sets off after curfew because he was trying to locate the German anti-aircrafts guns and broadcasts.


Theme: This part of the story is “approach”, since the readers know that Werner will be stuck under the cellar of the Hotel of Bees from the previous chapters, which leads to the crisis.



Chapter 10

Protagonists: Marie-Laure LeBlanc/ Werner Phennig

Antagonists: Germans

Time: 12 August 1944

Setting: Saint-Malo, France


Marie-Laure broadcasts Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (braille version), while Werner and Volkheimer listen through the radio. Marie-Laure then plays Etienne’s music loudly, hoping that she will be found. The music surges through the radio, creating hope for Werner and Volkheimer again. They rearrange the rubble around them, creating a wall, and throw a grenade. Von Rumpel heard the music, follows it to the attic but then hears someone enter the house.  This causes his to fall and accidentally set the curtains on fire using a candle. Werner kills von Rumpe, saving Marie-Laure. Werner and Marie-Laure evacuate together, as they leave Marie-Laure places the Sea of Flames into the ocean water, in the grotto to break its curse. Once Werner knew that Marie-Laure was safe, he left her. Marie-Laure gives him the key to the grotto as a memory. Marie-Laure reunites with Etienne. The Allies arrest Werner.  One night, he accidentally walks into a minefield, and dies,


This chapter shows the strength of music. As both Marie-Laure and Werner think they are going to die. Music calms them. They both take comfort in the beautiful complexity of the world.

This part of the story is the resolution; it covers “treasure” and “result”, as the Sea of Flames is returned to the ocean. It is also the ending for Werner, as he dies in the minefields.


Chapter 11

Protagonists: Marie-Laure LeBlanc/ Werner Phennig

Antagonists: Germans

Time: 1945

Setting: Paris, France/ Berlin, Germany


Frau Elena, Jutta and three other girls from the orphanage are sent to a factory in Berlin. Jutta knows that Werner is dead. The war is ending, and the Russians are expected to invade the city. Most women knows to expect Russian brutality; they try to look less attractive, some even drown their daughters. When the Russian soldiers arrive, Frau Elena and the girls get raped.

Etienne and Marie-Laure move to Paris and live in the same apartment from Marie-Laure’s childhood. They continue their search for Daniel LeBlanc. Marie-Laure decides to attend school to deal with her grief.


This is the “return”, “new life”, “resolution” and “status quo” of this story. Marie-Laure returns back home, she starts a new life with her great-uncle, the Sea of Flames is back in the sea, and she ends where the story started, back in Paris.

This chapter reminds the readers that there are no antagonists in this book. During war, the “good guys” and the “bad guys” are only a matter of perspective.


For Jutta the Russian are the bad, and for Marie-Laure the Germans are the bad. Jutta recalls that while being sexually assaulted, the man was mourning for the death of the people he cared about. The author does not wholly blame any country or person for the war, this suggests Anthony Doerr wanted to express that each individual is capable of both good and bad.

There is a theme of war in this chapter. Using the horror readers felt during this chapter to emphasize how terrible and desperate war makes people.


Chapter 12

Protagonists: Marie-Laure LeBlanc/ Werner Phennig

Antagonists: Germans

Time: 1974

Setting: Paris, France/ Saint-Malo, France

Summary: In 1974, all of Werner’s belongings including the wooden model were sent to Volkheimer from an organization. He finds Jutta, and delivers the items to her. Jutta travels to Saint-Malo with her son Max, in the memory of Werner. A local man recognized the model; he provides them the address of the girl who used to live in the house. Jutta sets off to Paris. Marie-Laure is now works in the same museum her father did. Jutta tells Marie-Laure that Werner had died in the war.  Jutta gives the model to Marie-Laure; she realized that Werner had taken the model after they parted ways. She opens it and finds the key to the grotto gate.



This is the ending of the story. Jutta has a new life, with her son.


Chapter 13

Protagonists: Marie-Laure LeBlanc/ Werner Phennig

Antagonists: Germans

Time: 1974

Setting: Paris, France/ Saint-Malo, France

Summary: Marie-Laure is now an old woman. Her grandson, Michel plays a game in which he “dies”, he reassure her that he can always start again. Michel is about to turn 12, Marie-Laure told him about Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, the novel she wanted most as her birthday present when she was 12. Her grandson walks her home. She stands outside her house, listening to the sounds of the world, wondering whether the souls of her loved ones are still there.

Theme:  This chapter is still the status quo for Marie-Laure. The readers feel relieved that she is doing well. Even though she is back to her original world before the war, something’s have changed permanently.



Work Cited

Gregory Coles CliffsNotes on All the Light We Cannot See. 15 Jan 2018

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