Critically review the rationale for, and characteristics of, the European Union and its constituent membership

4500 word reflective portfolio

choose ONE of the following topics below for this assignment whichever you have more knowledge about will be appropriate.

1. BREXIT: Should we fear the exit of a European member state?
2. Should Greece be forced to leave the EU?

The aim of this assignment is to provide a view of current and apt issues through the lens of a number of countries in connection with the following themes:

> Movement of goods and services across borders, trade blocks
> EU in the Global Market
> Approaches to innovation, resource and research challenges

1. Critically review the rationale for, and characteristics of, the European Union and its constituent
2. Critically evaluate the opportunities and strategies for businesses to expand and operate in the EU
3. Critically evaluate the diverse approaches to innovation in the European Union
4. Evaluate and critique “Free Trade” in an open world economy

Harvard reference style

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