Critically evaluate the digital marketing strategy of your chosen brand-Custom Essay Help

Guidelines-Critically evaluate the digital marketing strategy of your chosen brand-Custom Essay Help



  • Critically evaluate the digital marketing strategy of your chosen brand. Be prepared to comment on


    • their e-communications mix


    • how they use particular touchpoints to reach key influencers and audiences/consumers.


    • how they engage with those audiences and consumers


    • how they enhance customer engagement (i.e. content development strategy, customer interaction strategy, customer experience strategy, social media strategies etc.)


    • their digital “architecture”


    • their customer conversion strategy
    • Produce a brief introduction to your chosen online brand (approximately 200 words).


    • Write a brief review of current literature relating to the use of digital marketing and social media as a strategy for online brands, (approximately 400-600 words).


    • Discuss the various dimensions of how consumers and audiences engage with social media and digital marketing (approximately 300-400 words).


(approximately 800 words).


  • Suggest any recommendations for the business to enhance customer engagement and customer loyalty and justify these suggestions, (approximately 200 words).







  • The assignment should be clearly presented in in standard essay style, using the Harvard reference system and written to a word limit of 2000 words.
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