CRITICAL THINKING RESPONSE PAPER-1968 Memphis Sanitation Worker’s Strike

CRITICAL THINKING RESPONSE PAPER-1968 Memphis Sanitation Worker’s Strike

The CRITICAL THINKING RESPONSE PAPER is your reaction to and assessment of a stimulus provided in class, e.g., a video or assigned article. Such assignments are frequent and are purposefully NOT graded – in fact, such papers serve as a form of written class participation. You are invited to offer your opinion and personal reaction to any such stimulus, for which you will NOT be penalized, i.e., the First Amendment is alive and well!


Required Format: Typewritten only, 12 point font, pages stapled together, 2 to 3 pages, double-spaced, 1 inch margins on all sides.


The following are offered merely as helpful suggestions – NOT mandates – for writing a CRITICAL THINKING RESPONSE PAPER :


  • With which points from the stimulus do agree or disagree? Why?


  • Are there any arguments advanced that you wish to augment or challenge? Why?


  • Did you have any preconceived notion with respect to any of the topics addressed in the stimulus? Why?


  • Have any preconceived notions been influenced, reinforced, or modified? Why?


  • What impact did the stimulus have on you? Why?


  • Did the stimulus bring to mind other related topics or issues? Why?


  • Do you personally relate to or identify with any of the issues or topics presented by the stimulus? Why?


  • Are there other perspectives from different sources that you find pertinent to the stimulus?


Do NOT summarize what the stimulus is about – I have seen the videos and read the articles. What I want is evidence of CRITICAL THINKING!

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