Progress, Emerging Trends, and Prospects-summarize the existing published studies that have examined or incorporated these multiple stakeholders


A Critical Review of Expatriate Adjustment Research Through a Multiple Stakeholder View:

Progress, Emerging Trends, and Prospects

This should be a critical review of the expatriate adjustment literature that focuses on studies that have considered other stakeholders in addition to expatriates themselves. To highlight current knowledge in this area, the most important, implicit assumptions that scholars seem to have made and that may have restricted the theoretical and empirical advancement of the literature are delineated. By focusing on these assumptions, this article underscores the importance of other stakeholders in influencing or being influenced by expatriates. This article also highlights three theoretical perspectives as exemplars to extend the existing literature. By so doing, this review identifies gaps and stimulates new research directions on expatriate adjustment.

briefly summarize the existing published studies that have examined or incorporated these multiple stakeholders. In particular, the variables examined and the causal

Social Exchange Perspective

Expatriate Adjustment

Family Domain

Parent Company Domain

Strategic Human Resource Management Perspective

Host Country National Domain

Figure 1 Multiple Stakeholder View of Expatriate Adjustment

1046 Journal of Management / July 2010


Black (1988): Family adjustment → expatriate adjustment

Black and Stephens (1989): Spouse adjustment → expatriate adjustment

*Black et al. (1991): Family/ spouse adjustment → expatriate adjustment

Caligiuri, Hyland, Joshi, and Bross (1998): Family adjustment → expatriate adjustment

aShaffer and Harrison (1998): Spouse adjustment → expatriate adjustment; spouse adjustment → expatriate nonwork satisfaction and early return intention

Caligiuri et al. (1999): Family support → (female) expatriate adjustment

aShaffer et al. (1999): Spouse adjustment → expatriate adjustment

bKraimer et al. (2001): Spouse support → expatriate adjustment

Shaffer and Harrison (2001): Spouse adjustment ← expatriate adjustment

Takeuchi, Yun, and Tesluk (2002): Spouse adjustment ↔ expatriate adjustment

Parent company

*Black, Marshall, and Oddou (1991): Logistical support → expatriate adjustment

*Aycan (1997b): MNC structure, value orientation, life cycle, strategic planning → expatriate adjustment

Caligiuri, Joshi, and Lazarova (1999): POS → (female) expatriate adjustment

aShaffer, Harrison, and Gilley (1999): Logistic support → expatriate adjustment

bKraimer, Wayne, and Jaworski (2001): POS → expatriate adjustment; leader-member exchange (LMX) → task and contextual performance

bKraimer and Wayne (2004): Adjustment/POS → expatriate adjustment, task and contextual performance; LMX (+) → task and contextual performance

Palthe (2004): Parent company socialization → expatriate adjustment

Waxin (2004): Organizational social support (+) → expatriate adjustment

Bhaskar-Shrinivas et al. (2005): Logistic support → expatriate adjustment

cWang and Takeuchi (2007): POS (+)→ expatriate adjustment

Host country nationals (HCNs)

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