Does the Criminal Justice System discriminate base on race?

Assignment – Plan and Develop your Essay
The purpose of this assignment is to give you the chance to practice your citation, referencing, academic writing and research skills.

Choose a topic that interests you within the field of your prospect programme.

Start by presenting the outline of your research work. What are the keywords of your topic and how you plan to examine it? You can present your outline in the form of a flowchart, diagram or mind map. 
Furthermore, develop your topic into an essay of 1000-1500 words.

In your passage you have to include:

One direct quotation (unchanged text) providing its in-text citation
At least three indirect quotations (paraphrased or summarised text) providing their in text citations
At the end of your work you have to present the reference list for the sources you use
To prepare your essay please read the documents of this section. Also, before submitting your assignment go through the “Revising your assignment checklist” document found below.

Your assignment will be automatically submitted to the Turnitin so you can see how your work is been checked for plagiarism.

If the Turnitin similarity index is high you will be asked to correct your work and resubmit it.

Checklist for revising your assignment

    Does your introduction clarify the topic and purposes of the assignment? ……………….. ❑

    Is the assignment organised and well presented?…………………………………………………. ❑

    Do you adequately cover all parts of the title?………………………………………………………. ❑

    Is the discussion and criticism supported with valid and accurate information and data.❑

    Does all the information in your text address the topic you are examining?………………. ❑

    Do you discuss and analyse your sources?………………………………………………………….. ❑

    Do you use your own words to paraphrase your sources?……………………………………… ❑

    Do you cite all your quotations (direct quotations and indirect quotations including ideas)?……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ❑

    Do you correctly present short and long quotations? …………………………………………….. ❑

    Does your conclusion sum up your discussion?……………………………………………………. ❑

    Did you check for spelling, grammar or syntax mistakes?………………………………………. ❑

    Are your references listed in alphabetical order?…………………………………………………… ❑

Tip: Your conclusion has to round off the examination of your topic. You must avoid introducing new information or ideas in your conclusion.

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