Create Blog

Scenario: You have been tasked with creating a blog containing five additional blogs that professional development trainers or educators at any level would find useful and relevant. You will determine a particular group to focus on for this training.

Search the Internet for blogs that would be relevant to the group you identified.

One way to search for blogs is using Google™ blogs.

Type in keywords relevant to the audience you will focus on. For example, you may type in professional development for teachers or IT training for managers. You may be as broad or as specific as you would like.

I would consider using WordPress for this assignment as it has blog features. This will help you be acclimated for the Signature Assignment next week which is required to be in WordPress.

Introduction: Briefly identify using bullets or a list:

-identify the group the blog will be addressig -what the importance of blogs and this blog’s content is to the group you identified -what a blog is -how this blog can be used -advantages and disadvantages to blogs in general -how blogs may be applied as training tools for knowledge creation and enhancement -best practices for those new to blogging (how they might get started, familiarizing themselves with blogs, selecting blogs to follow, and so forth)

Blogs: Briefly identify for each blog using bulletted information or a list:

-name of the blog with a workable link (you will lose points if it is not workable) -why each blog is relevant to your group -description of each blog and type of information it has -frequency of posts and timeliness -level of engagement from blog members -types of content blog followers contribute: (Are they asking questions? Are they adding to or advancing the dialogue?) -credibility and reliability of the blog and how you know -how a blog’s content affects the blogger’s online reputation -how a reader’s comments to a blog affects his or her online reputation

-When paraphrasing or quoting you must use APA guidelines.

-Visual aspect of the blog: Any blog should flow and be well organized, including adding images. Images are required in this assignment as well as you will need to adhere to the comments in the Week 1 video about using graphic images.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

Rubric Grading:

Content • Clearly identified group/organization • Clear definition of a blog and clear description of how it is used • Includes 4 advantages and 4 disadvantages to using blogs • Clear discussion of how blogs may be applied as training tools for knowledge creation and enhancement • Clear discussion about how the importance of blogs and blog content is to your identified audience • 4 best practices for those who are new to blogs • Includes 5 blog links • Publishes blog

Blog links: • At least 3 different reference for the combined blog entries

Each blog link includes 100% of the following: • Working link • Description of each blog • Statement of frequency of posts and timeliness • 1 sentence statement of how blog is relevant to your audience • Assessment of credibility and reliability of the blog – What indicators demonstrate that this blog is reputable • Detailed understanding of content


• Includes 2 graphic images • Content presented in a manner that is very easy to follow • Demonstrates understanding of the Graphic Image Tidbit • No more than 1 error to word usage, grammar, punctuation, and spelling

APA Meets: 15%

• Includes in text citations, and reference page, according to APA • With not more than 3 errors overall • Graphic images are in the reference page

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