Coursework Writing-Will the U.S. strategy to defend the country from cyber attacks be successful?

Coursework Writing-Will the U.S. strategy to defend the country from cyber attacks be successful?

For this assignment, you are the president’s chief cybersecurity advisor. The president has asked you to answer the following question: Will the U.S. strategy to defend the country from cyber attacks be successful?

The president requests a White Paper that answers this question. In justifying your answer, you are free to offer your own insights and explain your positioning. However, your answer must also address the following:

    -What are the criteria for success?
-How is the current policy similar to previous policies?
– How is the current policy different from previous policies?
-Is the technology and are the threats changing more quickly than policymakers can adapt to them?
-How does the U.S. policy compare with the policies of other governments and organizations such as the European Union?

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